After a trip to a new place I always feel so reflective and it causes me to take stock in what I have in my own life. Yes..."there's no place like home", Dorothy, Praise the Lord for that. But when I take the time to see how other people live their life and try to put myself in their shoes or as I saw today, barefoot, I am always astonished at the sheer ability for people to be content even when to me it appears to be awful! They are content because that is what and all they know. When we are raised our whole lives a certain is ingrained in us. This is our real life, the way we are, everyday. It isn't weird or strange to us.
We visited a certain group of people who have a very different belief system than I do. They have made strong choices that cause them to live their daily lives in complete harmony with each other and other people. They are seemingly plain and simple and are not at all bent toward war or strife. They are not all the way separate but only fully sold out to their way of living. But a precious thing about them was the children; sweet precious faces with the kindness and purity of their beliefs. They were beautiful and I fell in love with them. I felt this way in Central America, Belize actually. There was a young girl who I will never forget, her name was Aleeni Windsor and her face was as precious as the faces I saw today. She asked me to bring her back home with me, it was heartbreaking. I wanted to so much, though I had three beautiful faces waiting on me there, my heart wanted her too. It made me even more homesick for mine. When I left her there I had a sadness but I hoped someday I would see her again, as today when I looked into the eyes of those faces. She was home in Belize, those children were home there in that place and I am at home here. It causes me to pray more fervently than ever that we all will meet again and that their lives will be touched the same way they have touched mine. I am so thankful for these experiences and I feel more fulfilled then yesterday and I pray I am blessed with this opportunity again. There is no better remedy for feelings of self pity or weariness than to take a step out of our comfort zone and walk barefoot in someone else's shoes!
About Me

- Rosemary Mcknight Fritts
- tennessee, United States
- I am a wife and a preacherswife and mother of 4 and I love my family. We moved back to my hometown with my family and I am loving my life. I love writing, art...painting, creating something new from something old and I love God. I really want people to lighten up and realize that God does love us and He cares what happens to us. Faith is the word!He has got it all under control. Sometimes He whispers and sometimes he yells, I am just trying to learn what I need to after the whisper!
Beautifully written!
I love that phrase of yours ... walking barefoot in someone else's shoes. I'm getting ready to settle in and read the rest of your blog.
I am mother to five middle-age children ... grandmother to a whole bunch of young adults and great-grandmother of three pre-schoolers!
Like you, I enjoy keeping a journal.
My life hasn't been lived on an even keel like yours. Mine has been filled with large amounts of mountaintop happiness, mixed with liberal doses of deep valley sadness. A real roller-coaster trip through life.
Back to reading now ...
You know me and my love for children. When Wendell goes to Brazil I know it's going to rip his heart out seeing all those kids. He's going to see Jeremy in every face. Rose you have a true God given tallent for writing, Love You!
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