About Me

- Rosemary Mcknight Fritts
- tennessee, United States
- I am a wife and a preacherswife and mother of 4 and I love my family. We moved back to my hometown with my family and I am loving my life. I love writing, art...painting, creating something new from something old and I love God. I really want people to lighten up and realize that God does love us and He cares what happens to us. Faith is the word!He has got it all under control. Sometimes He whispers and sometimes he yells, I am just trying to learn what I need to after the whisper!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
How do you measure the life of a man? Is it by the great wealth that he managed to accumulate or the land or homes or vehicles? Is it by his position in business or his standing in the community? The only way any man can be measured is by the fruit of his labor, the life he has lived on this earth and the lives that were changed by his love and the only real definition of success is how he was loved. This world is filled with complaints and negative thoughts that ride on the back of negative people. You can't throw a rock without hitting someone who is complaining about something, no matter how trivial, we continue to be bothered and letting anyone who may be in our path know of our great plight in life. I must admit I am the first whiner that I can think of. Honestly, I get sick of my own self, some days. I spend precious moments attempting to figure out why the world seems to pick on little old me! Good grief! Get over it! Come to find out, as I have grown very much older and wiser (well, the jury is still out on that one) It's not all about me....as hard to believe as that is, I am not the center of the universe. How'd that happen? I never got the memo....was there a meeting, was there a quorum? Did we vote? Yep they voted and I lost.....shocking how that happens. Well actually not so much, I humbly say I have always known it wasn't all about me. I am thankful I wasn't given that burden to carry by my parents. But I know now that it is all about one person, that was on this earth for only thirty three short years, who gave it all so that we might have life everlasting and I have watched that same sacrifice and humility play out in the life of a man who without any fan fair or parade, lived everyday like it was his last. I have never known anyone that lived so completely complain free, even when he struggled for every breath in his last days on this earth. He would always have a smile and a kind word for anyone he met. He encouraged every person he knew and on those few occasions when I dared to be a complainer in front of him, he would say....."ahh Rosa (he called me that from the first time I met him!)the Lord will help you, just stay close to him. Augh! Why did he always have to hit me with that one, seriously!! does it always go back to that? can I not have five minutes of feeling sorry for myself. Does he even remember that I am married to his son and gave him four( I outta get the prize) grandkids and am a preachers wife and and...and....NOPE! Stopped in my tracks with the harsh reality of Jesus suffering an awful punishment just so I can stand here and whine about, in my overly dramatic fashion, my bad day. This man who never complains about anything...ever... stands there and basically strips me down to myself and reminds me ...it's not the end of the world. This guy I speak of is probably the sweetest and kindest gentleman anyone who reads this would ever know. Thirty years ago, I met a boy who had a father who from the first time I met him, made me one of his own. Without any question or judgement or hesitation, he welcomed me into his family and gave me a name. I was a part of him and not one time did I ever NOT feel accepted by him. I was never an "in-law", I was a daughter and isn't that just like Jesus. This man is Curtis Fritts and he breathed his last breath holding the hand of his beloved wife and his one and only grand daughter, Bethany....his son and my only precious daughter. I know she will never forget the honor of being there with him, she saw the best man in this world enter into his reward for a life lived fully and without any reservation for where he was going. As he took that last breath, he left behind all the pain of this world....not that we ever heard him complain about it! Thank you Dad for loving us all. There is your measuring stick.....they will know HIM by our great love. Amen!
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Ahhh "Rosa" - what a tribute to a great and kind man. He made a big impact on Chloe with his kindness. She told everyone at SmallWorks (Grace Assembly's childrens program) that he was the sweetest, kindest man she had ever known. ....And honestly, that's true - he took the time to speak to a 6 year old little girl - when most everyone else was having adult conversation. He showed interest, love & kindness. I so remember him helping Aunt Beth many times by mopping the floor, cleaning, doing errands, etc. Only ONE time in all those years did I hear a slight twinge of frustration & you know what he said? Simply - "Elizabeth!" How great is that - I certainly tell my Curtis more than just his name. Uncle Curtis Fritts set a marvelous example of how we all should be.... Christ-like....I know he is getting his heavenly reward.
He was my Hero, too. I will miss him very much. I always knew him as my precious Uncle Curtis. He was a man after God's own heart. He was humble, kind and always grateful...regardless of the circumstances. He will be greatly missed.
What a great tribute to a great man! I feel I am a better person because of his influence on my life.
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