About Me

- Rosemary Mcknight Fritts
- tennessee, United States
- I am a wife and a preacherswife and mother of 4 and I love my family. We moved back to my hometown with my family and I am loving my life. I love writing, art...painting, creating something new from something old and I love God. I really want people to lighten up and realize that God does love us and He cares what happens to us. Faith is the word!He has got it all under control. Sometimes He whispers and sometimes he yells, I am just trying to learn what I need to after the whisper!
Monday, March 5, 2012
True Love
For anyone who ever reads my writings, you have heard a few times about my best friend, my husband.....the preacherman! I really don't often drag him into my expose' world of high drama and espionage. It is not for the faint if heart....not that he's not tough, he us! But I feel like this world I share is my world and he is part of it but his privacy is his and not mine to share. I am sure I share more than he would want anyways but, he has survived thirty years of my big mouth and I would assume he gave that fight up long ago. BUT TODAY..... Is an important day, a day of great joy, the day that my beloved husband was born......fifty years ago. I make sure I put in the age because it seems like it has taken him forever to get there! I am two years plus older than him, ugh, and that was kinda funny when we were young but now it is not so funny, depressing in fact! Not that age matters, It's how you feel and there's the rub... I feel seventy! Funny how young we are now, our parents were this age when we got married and they were old!.....really old! I was wondering if they would live long enough for the grandkids to know them! Geez was I stupid! Of course now I wonder if I will be around for mine....considering our kids have no marriages in sight, praise the Lord! Now that my dearest is in the club I am sure that this new phase of life will be a good thing. He is already the wisest man I know and he always has been, aggravating as it is I need his smarts to get me out of all the pickles I get into. I told my sister the other day that when I met my husband he was the closest man to Robert Redford I have met! That being the scale, blonde hair, blue eyed, strong nose, chisel chin and pretty smile. I wanted to have pretty blonde blue eyed babies too. She mumbled something about natural selection or some silly stuff, of course I just had in my mind what perfect was and I met perfect .....so I snatched him up before my roommate did! She dared me to ask him out and so I did and it was the best decision I have ever made. We have been together for thirty years....a lifetime and we have four beautiful kids and a charmed life. He wasn't always a preacherman.... It was about five years after we married till he felt the call to fulltime ministry. I have never been more proud or more in love with this man when he is preaching; I have full faith in him and his ability and willingness to listen to the Lord and do what HE says. In this I know for sure, I am confident in his heart toward God. Does he makes mistakes? Of course and as his wife I am there to point them out! Ha.... but when it comes to his heart toward God I have no worries! my husband has given me a grand life, we have traveled and had experiences that I may never have had, he showed me the pathway to God as well as led me and our babies into the world of worship and favor of God. He has stood strong under great pressures and enemies and protected us when life was too much; given unconditional love and grace and has been a friend. As a man of God he has fought his demons and allowed Gods grace to keep his heart pure. A good man is hard to find, this I know.... And I plan on keeping my man as long as he will stay with me. I have been given a great gift and on this day when he deserves the gifts... Anything I could buy but him would pale in comparison to the gift he has given me, TRUE LOVE!

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1 comment:
What a beautiful tribute, Rose! And I know you mean every word with your whole being. He is one of the preachers I always like listening to. But ... it can't be ... can it be??? You've been together for 30 years? And now you two are the age Frances and I were when we left for Kenya, East Africa!
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