About Me

- Rosemary Mcknight Fritts
- tennessee, United States
- I am a wife and a preacherswife and mother of 4 and I love my family. We moved back to my hometown with my family and I am loving my life. I love writing, art...painting, creating something new from something old and I love God. I really want people to lighten up and realize that God does love us and He cares what happens to us. Faith is the word!He has got it all under control. Sometimes He whispers and sometimes he yells, I am just trying to learn what I need to after the whisper!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Chronic Pain
I have no idea what I would be talking about when it comes to chronic pain ... I have only had five days of agonizing hurt all over tooth pain! But it has been plenty to wake me up to the fact that it ain't no fun! I am sick of it and I realize how much time I have been wasting before this. And shame on me for all the wasted time I have had....shame on me for my sloth-like behavior as if all I had to do was hang from a tree and eat fruit! What went wrong...when did I become that person? When did I give up on my life and give in to a life of laziness? I would guess when my kids got older and I had no need to run after them...my last one kept me young, at thirty six he was a fun gift to us all, a joy and a blessing. Poor kid, born too late to enjoy the special war like comrade of being raised with siblings your own age, I know the feeling because it happened to me too. I too grew up the baby, precious to all but nobody ever wanted to play with me! They were always too busy, teenagers that had a big life, much to do! He has felt the same rejection. So recently when he informed me that his dad and I are old and he wished we weren't because we never want to do anything! We do stuff...go out to eat, the movies once in a while, um ok I'm out! Oh boy! Reality! Ouch! I hate to admit it but he is right. I am tired... Sadly. From what though? From doing nothing! Inactivity! This little episode of chronic pain has been real, and a for real wake up call to change my life. I have a list of body parts that have jumped ship on me, why not I'm not using them! Time to get my chronic lazy behind up and get moving. I am on the verge of waiting to late. I would say, if the Lord will help me I will work everyday to get active again, but that is a cop out! He will and is always trying to help me. I just have to do it! My chronic pain will pass... I know two young ladies that have lived their whole young lives in wheelchairs and walkers, I am humbled by their bravery ....they still wait on their healing, faithful every day never stopping and continuing to live a big life. Shame on Me for giving up! So it may be slowly but I will do something each day to improve my life, to enrich my sons life, to be a good example not one of self destruction. Chronic health and joy is my new cause, for my future and my own family. Mercy!
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1 comment:
Rose, you are a rare jewel; ready to admit weakness and determined to overcome anything that comes against you living life to the full! I think you are a very special "preacherswife" and you are right. I don't want to waste any day that I have left! So go ahead, jump rope; or go ice-skating; or learn to ski in the snow - or on the water. I plan to get out and kill a turkey soon. The season starts March 31! Somewhere here, I have a picture of my maternal grandmother showing off a turkey she killed in Gulf-Hammock, Florida.
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