About Me

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tennessee, United States
I am a wife and a preacherswife and mother of 4 and I love my family. We moved back to my hometown with my family and I am loving my life. I love writing, art...painting, creating something new from something old and I love God. I really want people to lighten up and realize that God does love us and He cares what happens to us. Faith is the word!He has got it all under control. Sometimes He whispers and sometimes he yells, I am just trying to learn what I need to after the whisper!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Oh Poor Spring!

Poor spring! Here you are coming out all over the place... Only to probably be zapped in the face with wintertime! Here in the South this happens, we fear the dreaded snow and ice and power outages and "black ice!" and when it doesn't happen, slowly but surely spring starts showing it's pretty face. First on the scene are the teenie tiny little crocus, so small they are looked over. Tough kids they are, they peak out even when there is snow and always a signal of more to come. Next up are the...."yep I'm here" buttercups! Soo beautiful! I am astonished at their beauty. I so love them..,they make me happy; not to be confused with the happiest flowers on earth, my beloved Daisy! Yet nearly as Great. Every year those precious bulbs force theirselves up thru the ground to become the vibrant yellow jewels of spring. I have been tempted more than once to jump out of the car and "borrow" some! There is a field near my home that is full with rows and rows of these special flowers, which reminds me of the ones at my old home place on the farm. Such sweet memories. I actually, if the truth be known, did borrow a handful from The Great Smokey Mountains National Park about thirty years ago! It was the first time my new husband took me through Cades Cove and there they were ... Loads of them and I couldn't help myself! My hubs was driving the getaway car and you could only go about ten miles an hour! Some thief! Back then I could nearly run faster(pre childbirth years and might I mention four kids!) and before mom jeans! I was still in my Calvin Kleins for pete's sake......Needless to say a VERY long time ago! So yes, I have stolen from a National Park, I am not proud which reminds me not to stop on the side if the road and snatch the pretty spring wake up calls! Actually I only want to spare them from a sure death because we never get away with a early spring that keeps..... It will snow or frost or freeze the little cups and saucers...(Willie Wonka visual).... shrivel them up.... Sad little joyous flowers. So poor Spring, you are fun while you last and when you actually come to stay a while, shirt as it will be because summer will slam us zipping to 98 degree's immediately! AUGH, it the circle of life, one that never gets easier the older I get. Just tryin' to enjoy the ride! P.S I did snatch the beautiful pic from a friend of some TENNESSEE buttercups...we have the best!


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