About Me

- Rosemary Mcknight Fritts
- tennessee, United States
- I am a wife and a preacherswife and mother of 4 and I love my family. We moved back to my hometown with my family and I am loving my life. I love writing, art...painting, creating something new from something old and I love God. I really want people to lighten up and realize that God does love us and He cares what happens to us. Faith is the word!He has got it all under control. Sometimes He whispers and sometimes he yells, I am just trying to learn what I need to after the whisper!
Monday, January 23, 2012
There are many people who seem to fall thru the cracks. They are ones who may or may not have the hope or where with all to feel they can make a difference in the world. Many have been the ones who have carried the burden for the rest of us, the "work horse" that is steadfast to set their face like a flint and keep on keeping on. I have known many people who fall into this category over the years and it has been a great blessing to call them my friends. One such person has been a blessing to me my whole life and is my closest sibling to me, my dear sister Janice. She was born third and as a rule in the birth order theory, the third child tends to be the one who hangs out and easy going, never making a fuss and usually compliant to everyone. Sometimes even when it isn't the best thing for them, they are humble and quiet in nature. My big sister is all these and more. She has always been the trustworthy one, faithful to always help us out with her time or her extra money. Never did I leave the house without her making sure I had a little bit of " mad money" or phone call money( this pre-dates cell phones! )She was my nurturer, my teacher and my best friend. She was stuck sharing a double bed with me my first ten years of my life. Bless her heart! I could always count on her to be there for me..... She was a significant part of my life, she still is! Today is her birthday.....she was born in Munich, Germany when our Dad was stationed there in the Korean War. One day I called her a Nazi.....okay I was a little kid, don't judge, I grew out of that stage especially since she pounded me for it! Ya live and learn! She spent her life following in the shadow of our big brother and sister who were stand outs on their own being first and second, she was quiet and stayed under the radar. Always keeping tabs on her rotten little sister though ......she was my rock. My own third child was a boy and he too has the same personality, he's as solid as they come and like her he is an avid reader. A regular bookworm...both of them, living the high life vicariously through the books they so love. My sisters love for books is her most memorable trait for me, if the chores were finished you could always find her with her nose in a book. She is the one who encouraged me to love reading and introduced me to the great C.S.Lewis, Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe as well as the stories of The Bible. When I would ask why we had Easter or other Holiday's it was her who showed me in the Word. My sister was and is my friend and when I needed a level head to council me she was the one. My other sister who was a standout in my world also was the one I turned to when I wanted to get away with my many shenanigan's, we are way too much alike! Usually partners in crime! It was a balanced life and I have always needed them both. At this time in the Birthday girls life she is the caretaker of our Mom who has been dealt an awful lot....Alzheimer's. She has loved our Mom with compassion and respect and does her best to give her the best life possible, endures the daily heartbreaks of loss of moms memory and the constant stress of the obligation. Even the literal " heat wave" she endures because of moms need to stay warm, a common need of the elderly. I honor my sister...JC (Janice Carol) but my favorite nickname for her was , January which our Uncle, Mr Miller ( I don't think I ever knew his first name, how funny!) named her. She always gave a big smile when he called her that...I think it made her feel special if just for a minute....significant and that is the best thing of all. My sister's life is significant....she has significance at least to me. I know she is significant to our mom and to her only daughter but most of all she is significant to GOD. He made her special if for no other reason but to be there for me...yes I think I am that special! I love you my sissy.,,.including the times you have had to correct me and those have been many, but more often you gave me courage and strength to go on and get busy. You will always be Lucy...peering into the Wardrobe showing me a whole new land to explore, thank you for that gift. Happy Birthday sweet one!
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What a wonderful tribute to your sister! I'm glad for this glimpse into your family's life, Rose. If your sister is much like you as you say she is then she is a wonderful person, indeed!
BTW - Thank you for the very kind comments on my blog. You made me laugh, thinking about the confusion we caused for someone who didn't speak our language. I'm still smiling at that! ☻ ☺ ☻
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