Saturday, September 26, 2009

Becoming wise?

Driving in the rain has never been my idea of a fun time, yet it seems like every time we travel to East TN it rains....and it is now...about the time my expert driver says, "I don't think it can rain any harder.." it did! This time is no different than all the rest. Going home for a reunion is always a fun time, filled with great expectations and we look forward to seeing family that we haven't seen for a while. Today is a cousins reunion with one exception.......they invited the parents too! It's not that I mind it's just funny. Apparantly the organizers figured they would show up anyways! Which is probably true..ha! Since the patriarch of the family has passed on it has been hard to get everyone together. When she was alive we all came together for one common goal, to visit her and to show her respect, she always wanted and expected us all to show up. It was a given, we just went. Rarely did we miss and my part of the family was lucky, we lived in the same town. This makes me think though....where and when will the new patriarch arise? How does that work? And will I someday become just that? WOOHOO! But, here is the catch....Have I been the person that she was, have I earned that kind of respect yet? I can answer without even giving it much thought.....Nope! I think there will have to be a lot more time pass, until my kids have kids and I stop being a nag to them (never gonna happen, just sayin') and become the wise sage that I look forward to becoming. I am already pretty wise (in my humble opinion..ha) but becoming sage is a whole other ballgame. My own mom got smart to me along about my third child.....needless to say I was slow to see what was right in front of me. I do look forward to these times, to reunite with those folks and see how we all have changed, although with the invention of all this technology we see each other , thanks Facebook!, more than we ever did before. So, with that I guess I at least can look forward to at least a video conferencing Christmas morning with the grand we used to say when I was a kid...."ya think we will ever be like the Jetson's......nah!" But time will tell, I wouldn't mind a hover craft right about now! P.S..... Writing this in the car on my super duper cell phone, it's a text to my blog..ha, cool (as a passenger, not driving, we would be texting from a ditch otherwise!)

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