Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Sometimes when we ask a question we don't always get an answer. I wonder why that is?(case in point!) I have so many questions and I have yet to get all the answers, but I guess that is the answer. So I continue to ask and I continue to wonder....it can be truly aggravating. So that brings me to my question today. How can a seemingly normal person who has had a full rich life with kids and cats (and a few pups, thrown in!) and love and marriage and fun and mystery and surprises to boot, come to a place of sheer bewilderment? What's next? That is my question...what's next? Yep I know, there will be no answer until there is one. Well my wise side repeats the scripture in my head...Prov. 3:5...Trust in the Lord...lean not your own understanding...he will direct your paths...yada yada! Well I am not meaning any disrespect to the Lord with the yada yada's. Only trying to save space! Forgive me Lord. But I know what to do...I know what will happen when I do it...but the wait is driving me even more crazy than usual. (There is a place more crazy than usual, btw)So the wise part of my brain knows whats best, but my girl side needs more. MORE! Eureka! that's it.....MORE! More time with the Lord, more praise more worship, more of Him and less of me! More of what I know to do..I know what I should be doing......I am not as silly as I thought, I am not so far gone as I had thought! Yeah, whew 'bout lost it there for a minute....so here I go. Doing what I know to do.........okay, full speed ahead.....geeeez, it sure is hard work!

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