Sunday, August 23, 2009


Today I felt the presence of an uphill climb come upon me. The anticipation that something exciting is about to happen. I have been here before and it is familiar, yet elusive. I wish I could put my finger on what ever it is but it is just a knowing. A calm and exact shift in the everyday ho hum. It will be a climb, one foot in front of the other, no shuttle or trolley or even a rope to hang onto. But nevertheless I am going, running actually and if anyone knows me they can laugh at the absurdity of that statement. But I am on my way out of a deep cavern; a cave of sorts. How in the world did it happen...I wish I could say one thing that caused it but I can't. It is a slow slide of a slippery slope and now that it is past I feel as if I am flying along the tops of the trees. But as my wisdom reminds me, I better look out for those power lines; ever the optimist!

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