Sunday, September 22, 2013

A double ouchie!

This is one of the most special days of my life! Yes....the UT VOLS play Florida and always have for as long as I can remember....or at least on this Saturday in September, but that is not the real reason. And anyone who knows me knows that I could really do not care that much about football to remember the day they usually play Florida...even though we DO NOT LIKE FLORIDA MUCH UP HERE IN VOL COUNTRY...just making that clear!
The real reason is that on this day...while UT played FLorida for that all time rival...TWICE (not once but 2 times!) I was piled
English: Neyland Stadium, Knoxville, Tennessee.
English: Neyland Stadium, Knoxville, Tennessee. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
up at UT Hospital in Knoxville, TN giving birth to my last two children. In case anyone wondered.....yes, my doctor was sure to have them here before the game started! Not only for my VOL FAN husband but for himself of course! It worked out well, they were born and (by C-Section-ugh----hence the double ouchie!) and I was enjoying the yummy morphine pump.....AHHHHH! SO, the husband had the whole tv remote all to himself!
I will say...he wasn't ignoring me...I was more ignoring him...I had done my job and now I was resting my laurels! Funny of course because I was now the mother of 4--FOUR KIDS! WOW! Still after all this time getting that strait in my head! Considering the love for UT we have it was only fitting that it happen this way I guess.
My first last child is Samuel and today he is a mere 26 years old. I say mere because from my vantage point he is still so him he is nearly half dead! Samuel was on the heels of our Bethany, only 13 months after her birth and it was brought to my attention early on that..."how dare we have a soon!"People are so stupid...let's just get that clear on the front end...bless their hearts (.....she says because it is the southern way!)  But God had a better idea....he gave me this beautiful boy to keep me kindhearted. I dont know that I am really that kindhearted, but if I am it is solely because of this little puppy of mine. He was the best baby I had....not one peep out of him, he slept from the git-go for 10 hours in  a stretch...( he gets that honest!- I can still sack out for days!...given the chance) He has these big brown eyes, looks more like me than any of the others and was always tender hearted. I rarely had to raise my voice to him, and if I did (not that I ever yelled at my kids...pishposh!) he would be the most compliant of all. He also had an older brother and sister who kept him up to date on the does and don'ts. Samuel was the best cuddler of all also....he was the sweet heart of my heart and he remains a special person, still caring and loving to me, but .....he has found his own voice (darn it!) and he has a sorta liberal yet compassionate view of life( I am kinda secretly proud of him!), quick to oppose my convictions with his own equally strong opinions, he can argue a point nearly as well as his Dad and is clearly strong in his own notions. He is no push over but his kindness keeps him sweet even when tested. He keeps me kind because his kindness is worthy of respecting, he isn't a yeller....he is slow to anger but look out when he does. I honor this son of mine, he has always been a joy to have as a son and even more as a friend. I covet his hugs and hang out time he gives this age those are  the best gifts! Happy Birthday Son, no mother had a better one.
The for real last last child or caboose as we like to call him is our one and only NJ. Nathanael Joseph actually and I tagged him with the short version when he was just a baby. Today is his 17th birthday and he is about the most precious of all. I had NJ when I was almost 37 years old...old by some standards at least back then. It wasn't the style yet to wait so usual, I was ahead of the curve....but he was nine years after the first bunch and when this occurs it is almost as if he is an only child. (see birth order books!) Starting all over again, so to speak but with much more experience and confidence. He was somewhat like a new pet for all of us. Okay ....don't beat me me up for the analogy, but really he was a family project. Will was 12 and excited but attempted to hide it...he's cool ya know! But Bethany (10) was over the moon!!! A real live doll baby all her own to Mother....and Sam (9) was not going to be the "baby" anymore so he was elated! NJ was the Blessing of my life that I will always know was a direct response from GOD. He was what I needed at that time and everyday for the past 17 years I had a reason to show up. Not that I didn't have three other reasons and a husband and tons of other reasons but this kid was the driving force for me at that time. HE came on the scene when I needed him most, and he has always been a blessing. Funny does not even describe him...he is animated....and joyous and never meets a stranger, his personality is the perfect blend of me and his Dad...outgoing and personable, not awkward ever and in our family that is very odd. We invented awkward! He is strong minded and sure of himself and rarely ever finds himself worried or fearful. Where did this youngin' come from...he is the weird one? He has been my sidekick in my old age and kept me off the ledges. The only time I ever see frailty is catch him when he is tired and DO NOT CROSS HIM! He can have a meltdown better than most people....its best to just let him alone because you will never win that fight. He will go to his death defending his cause. Most days he is the best friend you could ever want, most loyal and forgiving person, a friend that loves at all times. He is my JOY and my HOPE for a world of HAPPY. HE spreads Happy all around and our family is blessed to have him love us.
Happy Birthday my two are our legacy and our loves and our prayer is you find your own place in this world and live always faithful to the will of God for your lives. He gave us you for a short time and I know He is pleased.
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