About the time the time you think…after thirty years of marriage…..after you think that he can’t do anything to shock you anymore…he goes and flips the world around and shows me up! Let me further explain….I know this guy, good, bad(never any bad of course!) and indifferent, we have been up down and all around, in and out, backwards and forwards….needless to say we have a history.
The things I know are many, as well as what he knows of me…let’s say he could ruin me! We are a team, a force to be reckoned with, we have a club and are thick as thieves. One thing about the preacherman is that he can make gravy….he sat at the feet of his grandmother Pearlie, watching and learning. He loves gravy and biscuits…he is a preacherman what’s the big shock, he is a southern white man, and a preacher…gravy and fried chicken are in his DNA! Also, anything wrapped in bacon….he jokes that even his hand wrapped in bacon would be tasty!So on this usual Saturday morning when I am grumbling under my breath as I go to the potty for the tenth time of the night….that I would like it quiet with not TV, i.e. hunting shows or even Duck Dynasty! which are the bane of my existence! and further more I would even prefer to have the room alone..pillow over my head, peace and quiet, nobody talk to me sleeping late on Saturday morning …morning! Sweet as he is he goes into the dark cold den…alone.
In my defense, he could stay…just sleep!…no TV or light or reading of books or running of the Apple Ipad or Iphone…ALL EYES CLOSED! I am a serious sleeper! But, he cant sleep anymore unlike me who knows no limit, sleep is good, sleep is the best. He goes and waits til about ten-thirty and sneaks in to say,“…honey, could you come make biscuits?” UGH! in my head I am thinking…why didn’t I hide the sausage?…Wamplers, wamplers its good sausage, made on the farm in Tennessee! …lalala…..The song is running through my head. For those who are not from East Tennessee, this is a song commercial on the radio advertising a local home-grown/made sausage and a local big family who we know well. I had once worked for one of the sons, Riley, who was the County Court Clerk for years. A good man and a good family. They know their sausage as well as all the other parts of the pig…from the feet to the snout! God Bless Loudon County, TN!
I then drag myself up…with only eleven hours sleep…ug!!!! and find out I have no Bisquick nor Crisco shortening as to make biscuits. Oh well, biscuits and gravy are a terrible thing to eat anyways….we have been attempting to eat better…anyways…I just went to the doctor and got weighed and please do not make me think of that horrible thought again. So back to bed, so sorry, it is better for us anyways…….but……
I wake up from my first of hopefully many naps I will take today, scoot back into the kitchen and this renaissance man has looked up on that little IPAD a recipe for biscuits made with butter! He made them…all by himself….and a big mess on the counter….but he was so cute sitting there…all covered in flour and proud. He, my preacherman….the guy who can barely lift a finger because he is so busy with preacherman stuff and “….he doesn’t know how, excuse” and ..”honey you are so good at cooking!!” yea right…..! man of mine, took the initiative to figure it out all by himself!!! Don’t tell me the miracles don’t happen!!
Pretty darn good biscuits! There they are…sitting in there in the oven, beautiful!
I wasn’t sure whether to be mad or glad! In actuality…..this is a good
thing. I know that when I am dead after my tragic and eventful death,
from my painful and sad long battles with whatever made up disease I
come up with, my dear beloved can keep himself from crying himself to
sleep at night after losing me! ….in the knowledge that he can make
himself biscuits to go with his amazingly great sausage gravy!
He is the king of sausage gravy and canned biscuits just don’t cut it.
And while I am still hanging on in this world….he can still make his own
and not wake me up any more!!!
I love this MAN!!
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