Monday, November 19, 2012

Pumpkin squares and why I love fall

Example A.

This is one of the best fall foods ever been created. I usually only make this desert once or twice a year and only in the fall and I can't seem to understand why. Maybe because as a rule I am not a baker. I cook all the time, to survive on. But, the fall brings out the cook in me...the YUMMY FOOD cook.

Desserts are not my forte' either. I would rather waste all my caloric intake on bread, hot, cold, plain, crusty, french, white...any bread. I adore breads. I do not bake bread; I did at one time during my little house on the prairie days while raising 3 kids, the little stair steps. We were a poor preacher family with one car (ouch!) so needless to say, I was at home all the time. Soon I realized that the guilt from the bread starter was too much for me to endure. Always had to feed the darn thing and I had younguns' and it was all I could do to feed them.

My revelation of this yummy fall dessert was from the days when my little girl was born, twenty-six years ago and a family friend brought me a get well treat. I was a bit weary since I am not a fan of pumpkin pie but the cream cheese icing pulled me in. Boy o' boy I am glad I did. Yummy for sure. So here is the recipe if anyone would like a taste of fall. The added bonus is your house will spell divine!!

Pumpkin Bars

2 cups flour-1 cup sugar-2 cups pumpkin(canned/1 can)-1 cup finely chopped walnuts or pecans-1/2 tsp cinnamon(or pumpkin pie spice)-4 eggs-3/4 cup oil(canola)

Beat eggs, add sugar, pumpkin, oil; blend well. Add slowly flour and cinnamon (add really slow so beaters do not spread whole house!) Pour into greased 9x13 glass pan and bake at 350 degrees for 30 mins. The cake will be very dense and smell like heaven.


1 pkg(8 ozs) cream cheese(softened)-1 tsp. vanilla-1 tsp milk-6tblsp softened butter- 1 box of confectioners sugar

Beat softened cream cheese and butter, add milk and vanilla, blend well. Slowly add conf. sugar (seriously slow or there will be a sugar cloud!) Beat until light and fluffy (a few minutes)

When cake cools(good luck waiting!) frost cake. Place in fridge for a while to keep frosting firm. Cut in 2" squares. ENJOY!!!

Welcome Fall!!

As a side note:

Way back I was the Production Manager/Graphic Artist for our local Newspaper and we did an insert for the holidays and this recipe was one of the deserts!

Just spreading the love, ya'll!

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