Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Payin it forward...

About the time ya start to think the days of pondering the next dreary moment is going to be the high lite of your day....out of the blue (code for GOD) something happens to reveal how much HE really does love you and has the ability to refresh even the worst of days. This has been the turn of events for me these past few days.....when my hopes were dashed in the joyous times of a new appliance...silly of course for most folks, something breaks, go buy a new one. For me it has never been that simple and not blaming anyone but myself, actually not even blaming myself. I make no apologies for the life choices I have made. I promise when it is all said and done...I won! There is no replacing the moments and days and years of joys and the sorrows (she says with a grimace!) that I have enjoyed over the past many years. That fancy career I am still waiting for hasn't shown up yet....hmmm maybe it has? But anyways....a big item like an appliance is BIG in our house. Only to be compared to the time long ago when our family...I was probably about four or five years old, got a phone in our home...on the farm. Not sure if the cool part was the big black telephone or the South Central Bell worker man who came to install it. We didn't have many strangers back then show up at the farm....interesting for a bunch of kids who hovered around waiting for this link to the outside world or at least the latest party line. Geez this really dates me....ugh!

So after my current deleima with the three revolving fridges, I have felt comforted by the fact I did end up with a brand new one at the same price as the "open-boxed" (code for used junk) one. I had to channel my inner Ramona for that one. Ramona is my sis in law who passed a few short months ago at a too young age, but only after many years of teaching me how to get things done....and boy could she! By now she would have already been given stock in that large retail outlet....relentless was her name and getting satisfaction was her game, or mission in life!... when she was ever done wrong by a store. She is my new altar ego in my Sybil-esque life I lead. This was a common joke between us two, our Sybil-esque lives. We had to have a "getaway" in our life of raising kids and husbands! Back to the point, I now have a new fridge and it is glorious...and given to us by a great friend...a new (used free a new home, way newer than mine, stainless steel) Dishwasher!!! It was installed by another great man and friend and bless his heart it took him a while. The old one wasn't even grounded, which means...um, I don't really know except he said we should have been electrocuted by now! Good to know! So it was a process and he was so sweet and patient and would not take a dime for his labor...people really do stuff like that these days? Wow! BUT......drum roll please......get this news!!! This kind man who installed the beautiful dishwasher which I love as much as the new fridge who by the way works for a fancy appliance place in a fancy part of town here in Nashville, who I know he is not wealthy (in financial riches, well I think?) but is very wealthy in godly riches as well as his wife....had a BRAND NEW STAINLESS STEEL OVEN DELIVERED TODAY!!!!!!!!!! O.M.G. Can anyone out give GOD? Nope and I am humbled and a little embarrassed about the kindness and generosity of this family to us. This was a random act of kindness on top of the already done kindness and it just blows me away!!! No words are grand enough to express my thankfulness and the crazy part is we got two more words of great news from two of our kids that one of which will totally change the future of one of them which is a direct gift from GOD! Proof, as if I needed it, that HE does take care of his servants and I can not even fathom the extent of what this miracle will do for my child. Praise the Lord!

Now for all the people who are under the covers afraid to even lift their heads out....I feel the pain, that is me. I have a knee jerk reaction most days to do the same thing.....and it wasn't a week or so ago I was there....I am not a woman of extraordinary faith. I am frail and weak when it comes to that gifting. I am the mother of four kids (that alone can kill you!) and a wife (strike two) and a preacherswife (bullseye!) so I shoulda been dead a long time ago...I am as whinny and cry baby as the next guy. I fail myself and God daily and I get as frustrated and bored and defeated and anyone else. BUT I do know from where my redemption comes.....at the end of the day I have a true sense of freedom in the knowledge that I am not the one running this pop stand. That is all I need. My need to control everything around me falls to the ground in the light of HIS love for me. And sometimes hearing of other peoples blessings can be offensive and hurts even worse, even when I put on my big girl pants and not let it make me envy....yep sometimes I do envy...for a minute...I am human to the MAX! I have to testify to the fact that even when I may not be the best at handling life...HE is the best at handling me and my life and for that I will always be HIS. I thank God for my life, my husband, my kids and for the people who HE has out there to love me back. You know who you are and I pray blessings back to you....you have paid it forward as well as I will continue to also.

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