Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Out with the Old...
Waiting out the end of the year while looking forward to what is to come in the new one is a normal part of each of our lives, for some reason it feels as if it has come sooner this year than in the past years, it still seems daunting. The past year went by in a flash and it doesn't seem possible that it is almost over. Our family Christmas was special last year, our precious time together was highlighted with the loving thoughtfulness of my youngest son, he is the king of poignant cards, they made us laugh and cry all at the same time, we took note of the times that year that were hard and seemed as if they would never end, that Christmas we were all together, for maybe the last time. This year meandered along like a slow moving locomotive, never really building up much steam, uneventful in many ways but there were days that were in seemingly slow motion and we hoped they would end and never replay, but as our life usually plays out we have more groundhog days than any family should have. These are the times in our lives when I just wish we could get a new log to trip over instead of the same old one. But on the bright side we have had some good days, seeing my son play his guitar in church again, will go down in history as my best day this year, I am sure there have been other good days, but with drama of children and starting a new job, enduring our beloved Nashville covered in flood waters and then losing a job, this has been a year of many ups and downs, so it is easy to say, I am done with it, on to better days and hopefully this will be the year that our direction will be made clear. I sense the need to get my bearings, to find a map, get on the right path and listen intently to what the Lord is saying. My fear is He isn't saying or even worse, I am not listening. Time to shut it down, turn everything off, get alone and seek til I find. If I could be bold enough to ask for something this year..a clear direction. Time to take stock, time to clear the deck, feeling the need for some de-cluttering, unload the things that are pulling me down, ouch I am feeling that lose weight conviction too! Well I might as well get it all out at one time. I feel the need to look at anything that comes into my life and path that if it is not of virtue or is harmful in some way to my mind, body or spirit, I should count the cost. Lord help me along this journey, I am already getting worried...I believe, help my unbelief!
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