Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Athelete?
As a side note to me going home recently, I must say that I am amazed by my ability to BOWL! I am not an athlete and this comes at no surprise to anyone who knows me...stop laughing! Although I was somewhat active as a younger person...I grew up skinny as a matter of fact, really skinny and even after a few kids I wasn't huge (of course I do blame the kids totally, the resentment is strong!HA) But, after my hysterectomy all things went to H-E-double toothpicks as Radar always said!(M*A*S**H!) Anyways...I did run and played tennis (at 12 yrs old!) and all the usual kid stuff. I didn't ever play team sports but I did bowl for a short while, I think I helped the handicap in some way, not very good so it helped, I don't know. I think I never wanted to know, I was just glad to get to bowl. But somewhere in my crazy mind I thought I wasn't half bad...(sad me) and I tried really hard to bowl well. This brings me to the current day, totally out of shape, well a shape but not a flattering one! I have won the past few times I have bowled, well against my family at least. I have boys and a husband too. They throw it hard but not consistent. I am slower and more consistent. HAHA! Finally I have my sport! I am a bowler! Now this is kind of like I am a Skeet shooter for me, I have shot one time, and hit it both shots, never have shot again but my record is two for two, so I am a good skeet shooter! Hey it's all I got these days...let me have it! This old girls gotta have a few successes in the athletic of these days I am going to start a walking program...for more that one day! Help me Lord! Grrrr! It is true, appreciate your health when your comes at you quicker than you know! This mid life stuff is mentally awful......But, as Scarlet O'Hara always said..."I'll think about it tomorrow!"
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