Saturday, September 5, 2009
Family of God
Sometimes I wonder what is all the hub-bub about, "It's Football time in Tennessee" but, when I see it through the eyes of generations of people who can't hardly wait for the first day..the first game; then I understand more clearly. I am blessed with four loving children and three are older and away from home. Two of them have attended UT-Knoxville but it runs deeper than that. They have a father that is UT orange thru and thru. This is something that I have always known. It was part of the package, marry him you marry his love for UT! Of course as it would be expected, he bled all over his children this orange blood and they all now are avid fans. Except for the last one, he is much younger and he is..... God help his soul, a Florida fan! I am not sure if he will convert, he is very independent, he is a bit like Rudolph(the red-nosed reindeer) in that way. But there is still time and we keep hope alive. But what I really love is the joy the they all have in watching the game. These days , they all three are back in East TN but we are thankful we have this new fangled invention called texting so they all talk back and forth the whole time. But what blesses me is the three kids who are away would, in a New York minute, be home to watch the game with their dad if they could. Each one of them are here in spirit, they all three are off living their lives but when it comes to "Football time in TN" their hearts are at home. Wow! How awesome it is to know that and to feel the connection through this team spirit. And even more great and awesome is this love for UT was not all their father taught them. He first instilled in them a love for God...he lives his life as a testimony of his faith in our Saviour which is what forever keeps strong the link with us and God. They know his weaknesses and mine and our failures and yet still respect and even more embrace our faith. (Kinda like the faith we have had for our struggling VOLS!...ha) That is how it is in the family of God. No matter where we are we will always be tied together by this immovable connection to other believers. I have been so surprised to find so many of my friends from my youth that are believers...since I had no clue of God as a child I guess I just assumed nobody else did either. But He is the bond that gives us a feeling of belonging. We have a place and people who love us unconditionally. That's what a family is. I am blessed that through all the stresses and trials that we have gone through as a family we can still have a peace knowing that God is in control, and UT football is back every fall!!!!! Go Vols!
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