Thursday, September 3, 2009

Coming home

Today I was thrilled to spend some time with a friend from my home that we recently moved from. She is a precious person and has always been able to make me smile. Our friends who we don't get to see very often are so comforting when we get to be with them, it's like coming home again. You already have a past and you don't have to spend all that time in the getting to know each other just jump right in and start talking just like you had been in the middle of a conversation that just stopped for a second and it starts right back up. That's why it's like coming is all so familiar and there might be some differences but mostly still the same. I am comforted by the affirmation that comes from old friends. They are people who know you and still love you. Wow! What a gift that is and what a lesson to be learned. That can be the most freeing feeling on earth. There aren't any boundaries, no worry of what they will think or having to impress...they just love us. That is what I love about God...he knows all my junk and HE loves me in spite of it and through it and after it. I can sleep at night with the knowing that all I have to do is breathe. He's got my back, it's like coming home.


  1. Hey, just wanted to say congrats on your DNJ article. That kind of exposure is every bloggers dream.
