Friday, August 14, 2009

Self doubt?

So today, a friend of mine read my very short story... this "award winning" short, walk down memory lane and he never said a word. Crickets! I was like in my head, going"....uh well, well, give me something here, geeez!" Then when his wife said, "aren't' you gonna say something? he replied..."I have complimented her on several different occasions and she always just says something funny or a joke so I have stopped!" WOW! Ya didn't have to say that! But at the same time, yes! I like people who don't mince words cuz I like to be that way. I don't always get to but when I do I am more unmerciful than I should be. So this made me confront something that I deal with all the time. SELF DOUBT. What a lot of pain I have caused myself in my life. Why so hard to be strong? Apparently my need to be the first to admit I am not perfect is my self preservation tactic...I gotta stop. It is not a very good example of faith. So that is my plan...stop being a bummer and start to fly. From the early years on the farm until I was ten I really did fly and I twirled and danced and romped. I didn't have a care in the world...oh the joy of summer days and fields full of daisies! Of course then the dam breaks and there goes the starts the doubt. So full circle time is here, this is my time to fly again...and a little twirling along the way!


  1. Oh Rose...reading your blog makes me sad...because I miss y'all so much. Actually "miss you" doesn't quite express how I feel, but it's the best I can do without weirding y'all out. You and your fam mean THE WORLD AND THEN SOME to me! I love you AND Charles WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY motr than you could ever imagine. THANK YOU for just being you!


  2. Rose, I have the same personality trait that you do. I will also tell you how imperfect I am. I've noticed that this tends to make people uncomfortable so I am trying to contain myself more. But I am just a firm believer in that what you see is what you get.

  3. I love the blog, sorry it took me so long to read it! Love Ya Lots!!
