Sunday, February 19, 2012

Boo hoo blog!

Are you kidding me!? What is the deal with the drastic ups and downs of this blog? It is not a power serge it is despair and agony that manifests itself with stats, ( see all the bad stuff in life leads directly back to Math!) as if life couldn't get more of a bummer! Actually life is doing okay, I mean not winning any lotteries here though we have been crazy blessed lately so I may need to buy a ticket!! Could be a lucky spell.....thankfully i don't believe in luck, that would just be one more thing I would have to feel left out over. Kinda like being picked for red rover. Way back when, and I was picked last.. I was little and shrimpy and I actually cried over my slight stature. Typical! Would to God I was slight in stature now...."she's pretty for a fat girl!" I assume they say. This I ponder wishing all my pondering would burn calories! So I guess that I would rather have a blessed life and a boo hoo blog! That is if I had to choose.....

1 comment:

  1. No, Rose. I'm NOT kidding you! I know the "ups and downs" for the last two weeks for sure. God is our helper though - and the down times are not as menacing because we know God's good hand of grace and favor has fallen upon us.
